Thrive in a competitive world

Look towards and beyond the horizon

Transformational and Psychosynthesis Life Coaching connects you with your inner strengths and unique self expression. 

It is supportive and nurturing, while challenging you to challenge yourself in order to attain your goals purposefully.

Being true to oneself far outweighs material success.

Meaningful work and relationships give us a sense of purpose: resilience grows, we become more discerning and commited to transformational work which enables us to thrive.

Sometimes conformity takes us farther from the best self that we innately know we are.  It takes courage to try new ways, to listen tto our inner knowing, which can lead us into rewarding terrains.

Explore your inner and outer journey

"Everything can be taken from a person but one thing the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances to choose one's own way"   Viktor Frankl

.When we slow down, take deep breaths, we can explore how we want to choose to live our lives.  Coaching enables this in a gentle, supportive, and sometimes challenging way. We have the power to make choices with integrity, and compassion for ourselves and others.


In order to attain your goal, your interior world and what you want to achieve need to be aligned.  Often, unforseen obstacles of our own making need addressing in order to reach our goals.  I will challenge and support you so you can creatively find your own solutions, have greater acceptance of yourself and others, and follow your dreams, equipped with an enquiring mind and open heart to transform your life,