In order to make changes in our life we need to prepare and plan well - too little preparation will give poor
results, too much preparation and planning can also lead to disappointing results.
I coach people who are committed to getting results using all aspects of themselves - the more creative we
are in creating the change we wish for, the greater are our possibilities
The egg diagram is the map of the psyche; the star diagram depicts psychological functions:: thoughts, emotions, sensation, impulse/desire, imagination, intuition, will.
Our intuition never lets us down when we remember to pay attention, In coaching, because we feel supported and enabled,, our intuition can flow more freely.
Intuition can come through our thoughts, our emotions, or a felt body sense. It occurs when we least expect it to arrive - we may have been puzzling over a concern, unable to make sense of it, and suddenly, out of the blue,, we have an "aha" monent and the puzzle miraculously falls into place.
To dream your new life requires vision, inspiration and imagination..
Psychosynthesis uses guided imagery and other techniques to evoke our imagination. This creative process enables us to think outside the box, to find new ways of being in the world that enhance our personal and professional lives.
Within our sensations lies our somatic awareneess,. In coaching, this enables us to make decisions aligned to our goals.
Somatic awareness allows us to connect and listen to our body's response, which is extremely valuable in making sound personal and professional decisions.
The will comprises skillful will, good will, strong will, and spiritual will. The six stages from purpose to become a reality. require diligence and enthusiasm,
All aspects of our being need to be in alignment for our goals to be effective, In the same way as a conductor directs an orchestra for the most harmonious outcome,
Stages of the Act of Will are:
(1) purpose,
(2) deliberation,
(3) choice,
(4) affirmation,
(5) planning
(6) manifestation.
We need to dilligently build a firm foundation, to have the breakthroughs that we wish for - and we need to be willing and open to compassionately challenge ourselves.
All aspects of our being need to be in alignment for our goals to be effective, In the same way as a conductor directs an orchestra for the most harmonious outcome,
The Enneagram is a powerful tool for spiritual and psychological development.. It is a compassionate way to understand ourselves and others.
There are nine types. each of us is one of those types, This system describes the emotional and mental habits that underpin character structures.
I have worked with the Enneagram personally and professionally for over forty years. It is a powerful tool in enabling us to see how we respond to life - beyond and our strengths and challenges, showing us where and how transformation can occur.
The map is never the territory - it is a very useful tool to use and we are all unique. Sometimes I use this in coaching one to one, but mostly I run workshops.